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Cedarkirk’s story is the collection of stories held by the people who have built this place, shaped this place, and grown to call it home. After 50 years of ministry, there are plenty of stories to share. The stories bind us together and allow us all to share in the big picture of Cedarkirk’s ministry.

That’s where you come in: we want to hear your stories! We want to hear them all – the funny ones and the ones that bring a tear to your eye. You can share about the ways Cedarkirk changed your life or just a vivid memory that really stands out in your mind.

You don’t have to be the world’s greatest speaker – we just want to hear your experience in your own words. (See the “Helpful Hints” section below to make your story the best it can be!) Our goal is to piece these stories together into a video about the way Cedarkirk has helped people draw closer to God and to one another over the last half-century.

How to participate:

  1. Think of a story or memory from your time at Cedarkirk.
  2. Write it down or run through it a few times so it’s fresh in your head.
  3. Record yourself (or have someone record you) telling the story.
  4. Email the file to stories@cedarkirk.com. Include your name and a few sentences about your association with Cedarkirk (when you attended, who you came with, etc.).

Helpful Hints:

  • Be mindful of your pacing and speak slowly – many people speak too quickly on camera. If it feels a little slow to you, it’s probably just right.
  • Enunciate your words clearly. We won’t be able to share your story if we can’t understand what you’re saying!
  • Be animated! The more excited and engaged you seem, the better your story will translate to video.
  • Feel free to write your story down, but remember that you’ll be on video, so you do need to look at the camera from time to time. (You can print some key words in large letters and post it next to your camera so it appears you’re looking straight at the screen. There are also free “teleprompter” apps you can download to your computer or smartphone so you can read and still look at the camera.)
  • Try to avoid rambling and keep your video to a few minutes or less. We’ll do some editing, but we’d love it if you could keep it brief.
  • Ensure your background is exciting, but not too distracting. (If you don’t want everyone seeing the unfolded laundry on your couch, maybe step outside for a more natural setting.)
  • If you’re filming on a smartphone, make sure you are filming horizontally, with the phone turned sideways. We can’t use videos filmed vertically!
  • Do a very quick test video to make sure you can be heard clearly and aren’t too far away from the microphone.
  • Have fun! If you’re excited about your story the viewer will be, too!

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Contact Info

1920 Streetman Drive, Lithia, FL 33547

Phone: 813.685.4224

Fax: 813.689.9170

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