Below are the stories of individuals whose lives have been profoundly transformed at Cedarkirk. People routinely share with us the ways this ministry has impacted their lives and those stories are too good to keep to ourselves! Each person’s story is unique, yet common threads run through them all. Experiences of family, community, a sense of welcome and belonging, and new encounters with God have truly changed campers, staff, and retreat participants. These communal experiences have been central to Cedarkirk’s ministry since its founding in 1971 and continue to transform people today. Your support makes this ministry possible, and stories like these are proof of that.
If you’d like to share your own Cedarkirk Story, please reach out to Matt Shick, Executive Director.
Meredith Chipman Posluszny
Making a monthly donation has been a great opportunity to maintain my commitment to Cedarkirk, share my gratitude for the impact it has had on my life, and invest in its future.
Bryce Williams
I have felt loved by the folks at Cedarkirk like a member of their families. And no matter how long it’s been since the last time I came, that love always makes me feel welcomed back.
Mark Orendorf
It always seems to be that only when we get away from our everyday surroundings do we encounter what has always been there, but remained unseen.
Maggie Ruthven
Cedarkirk brings us closer together no matter our beliefs or where we come from. This is why I returned to camp to work on discerning my vocation.