A Weekend Apart

We are excited to provide an opportunity for families and individuals to spend three special weekends at Cedarkirk this summer! Our offerings will be almost entirely self-contained for all to spend time in the outdoors and quality time in a new setting. What does a Retreat look like? Your weekend can look however you want! Each family unit (co-habitating) will reserve their own accommodations according to their needs. Food service will be available a la carte and will be picked up for each meal or you can bring your own food (full kitchens or kitchenettes available depending on accommodation). Activity/Devotion stations [...]

A Weekend Apart

We are excited to provide an opportunity for families and individuals to spend three special weekends at Cedarkirk this summer! Our offerings will be almost entirely self-contained for all to spend time in the outdoors and quality time in a new setting. What does a Retreat look like? Your weekend can look however you want! Each family unit (co-habitating) will reserve their own accommodations according to their needs. Food service will be available a la carte and will be picked up for each meal or you can bring your own food (full kitchens or kitchenettes available depending on accommodation). Activity/Devotion stations [...]


Contact Info

1920 Streetman Drive, Lithia, FL 33547

Phone: 813.685.4224

Fax: 813.689.9170

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